5 Types of Cloud Migration Services for Your Business

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Cloud migration services are a growing segment that is essential for the rapid development of areas such as the healthcare industry. The reason for its importance is that new technologies are always being rolled out every year.

Companies need to adopt these technologies to stay relevant, but they also need to retain all the data and processes they already have. SoCal businesses can reach out to managed IT services in Los Angeles have the tools and skills to handle cloud migration on your behalf. They can also serve as your ongoing IT support company. 

Here are five different types of cloud migration services you may need. 

1. Rehosting

Rehosting is the most common form of cloud migration. It involves moving your applications and operating systems onto a new cloud infrastructure. This would happen if you decided to change your current cloud service provider to another one that will serve your company better. 

For example, another hosting company may provide better scalability, improved performance, and better security. They may also offer other features, such as AI learning and automation. 

In most cases, rehosting requires exporting applications via migration tools and unpacking them on your new server. It has very little potential to disrupt your business and doesn’t risk your current app or workload. 

The main problem with rehosting, or “lift-and-shift”, is that your applications and workload will still be configured for your own platform. They may not full advantage of the cloud and could cost you more later if you need to make adjustments. 

Regardless, it’s a good first step if you’re migrating your apps to the cloud. 

2. Re-platforming

Re-platforming is considered an upgrade version of rehosting that involves making minimal changes to your workloads and apps. This is ideal, as your apps will most likely not be optimized for your new platform. They may run less efficiently than they were before, or they may be able to work better after you make these changes. 

Another reason re-platforming is important is if you plan on updating or making changes to your underlying codebase. Minor changes could require thorough retesting, and not every change may play well with your new cloud environment. 

The benefit of re-platforming is that your apps will be better optimized for the cloud. A managed service provider in Los Angeles can handle the bulk of this work to help you save time. They’ll also be able to tell you what cloud features you can utilize to improve your workflow. 

However, re-platforming may not be recommended if you need to make a quick change. It’s also more difficult to perform on your own without the assistance of an outsourced IT support company.

3. Refactoring

In contrast to the previous two types of cloud migration, refactoring is much more complex. It accepts that your workloads and apps will need a significant overhaul to make the best use of your new cloud environment. As such, refactoring involves rewriting code, data storage, networking, security, and much more. 

One of the reasons to refactor rather than rehost is because it helps keep your code clean. It can improve the performance of your application and remove any outdated lines of code. In addition, you’ll save time and money in the future and reduce your technical debt. 

However, it’s highly recommended that you utilize local IT support services in your area when refactoring. It’s a complicated process that could take months to finish per application.

4. Retaining or Using a Hybrid Cloud

Adding cloud services to your company doesn’t mean that you need to completely abandon your on-site ones. In some cases, you’ll want to continue performing some workloads on-premises to maintain cybersecurity compliance obligations.

Another reason to utilize a hybrid cloud setup is if certain applications would work better in a cloud setting, while others do not require updates or changes. You’ll get the best of both worlds with all the control and security you’re already familiar with.

It’s also a good option if you have sensitive data that you want to keep secure. If all of your information is online, then there’s always the chance that it all becomes vulnerable at the same time. 

The downside of a hybrid cloud is that it can be difficult to manage. You’ll essentially have to manage two hosting environments, including the data, workloads, and compliance. Using local IT support in Los Angeles will be key to managing it all effectively. 

5. Multicloud

The last type of cloud migration service available to your company is a multicloud one. This involves using two or more different cloud providers instead of a single one. The reason you’d want to do this is to make use of their different features and services for your different types of workloads. 

For example, you may want to utilize different cloud providers if you’re a media company that uses powerful editing programs. The first provider will give you the computing power to edit, while the second provider may be more focused on automated data processes. 

By splitting up your workload like this, they each gain access to all the necessary features. 

However, using a multicloud setup isn’t recommended for smaller businesses or those not focused on growth. It’s complex to set up and requires more resources than may be available to you. It’s also difficult to maintain compliance across multiple providers.

Find the Right Cloud Migration Services

The type of cloud migration consulting services you utilize for your business or organization will depend on what kind of applications you use. Smaller businesses won’t need to invest in a multicloud environment or even a hybrid cloud. In contrast, a larger company may have more complicated workloads that require refactoring. 

Be Structured Technology Group is your local source for Los Angeles IT services.

Our business IT services include security, cloud solutions, hardware installation, and more. Talk to one of our consultants today to learn more. 


About Chad Lauterbach

CEO at Be Structured Technology Group, Inc. a Los Angeles based provider of Managed IT Services for small business. I desire to help small businesses better utilize technology by assisting in high level planning to make sure that new systems will benefit them both operationally and financially. I am careful to implement and support systems using industry best practices.