Why Managed IT Support Is The Right Solution For Your Business

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There are a number of ways that a company can respond to IT issues, but not all of them are equal in value. Creating your own IT department is certainly an option, but you’ll be relying on the limited expertise and you’ll have to manage the department along with paying employee benefits. You might try hiring fee-for-service third-party providers, but that’s not the most efficient way to avoid ongoing issues. Hiring or calling someone to fix issues that have already cropped up is reactive thinking and it wastes resources like your valuable time and money.

You could even try calling an IT amateur that you know personally, like a cousin or an officemate down the hall that knows a bit about computer support. We know that mid-sized and small businesses’ resources are limited, and you need to make the most of your money, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for an inferior technology solution. The truth is that you’ll get more for your money with a professional IT support company like Be Structured. Outsourced IT support offers many advantages that you won’t get anywhere else.

The Benefits of Outsourced IT Support

  • A Depth of Knowledge: One of the reasons that we built out our team at Be Structured the way we did is because we wanted to secure a wide range of specialties. We can say with certainty that there is no single IT professional that has the same depth of knowledge we bring to the table. Your business deserves access to a professional level of expertise.
  • Cost Savings: If you are running and managing your own internal IT department, that means you are spending money on having someone manage the team, planning their budget, and paying their salaries and benefits. With managed IT services from Be Structured you can just have a monthly fee that you pay us for comprehensive support.
  • Predictable Spending: Another bonus of that monthly fee is that it will be fixed and secure for a pre-set period of time. You can write that number in your budget and not have to worry about surprise charges sneaking up on you later. This predictability will allow you to be more flexible elsewhere in your budget and feel secure moving funds where you need them for other operations.
  • Reliability: When you partner with the Be Structured Technology Group, you will be supported with a professional level of customer service. You will have response times that you can rely on. There won’t be anymore wondering when your IT provider is going to show up because we have a complete team of experts at your disposal. We make a point to share robust documentation of our clients’ system so that anyone on the helpdesk team, and their supervisors, will be fully informed to resolve your issues.
  • Proactive Thinking: When you are establishing your IT services, it is essential to have a provider that operates proactively. We want to get in front of your problems before they occur and have precautions in place for the challenges we can’t prevent. Business continuity planning and disaster recovery strategies are vital to the future of your company. Many businesses that are hit with a disaster are never able to recover.
    • With Be Structured, you can have peace of mind in the secure future of your organization. We will implement redundant data backup processes and recommend cloud services to keep your sensitive information secure in a professional data center.
  • Access To Superior Technology: Depending on your old strategies for resolving IT issues, it is likely that you aren’t getting access to the latest technological advancements. When you hire a service like ours, you can have recommendations and designs for superior services like server virtualization or cloud-based hosted VoIP phone systems. Cloud solutions like that will keep your business on the competitive edge in your industry.
  • Free Up Internal Resources: One of the most significant benefits of outsourcing your IT services is that it allows you to remain focused on your core business objectives. Even if you already have an IT department or work in a field like software development, it can be more efficient to have a dedicated service provider managing your network support. Our support team functions as a safety net for your operations and provide an additional level of expertise.
  • Long-Term Planning: One of the fundamental practices in our managed services bundle is IT consulting and VCIO services. We can be your virtual chief information officer and provide our expert consultations on the future path of your information technology. We can assist in planning out migrations to platforms like cloud computing or difficult processes like office relocation.

If you work in the Los Angeles and Orange County area, contact Be Structured Technology Group today to find out all the ways we can support your business with managed IT solutions. We want to make your vision our mission.

About Chad Lauterbach

CEO at Be Structured Technology Group, Inc. a Los Angeles based provider of Managed IT Services for small business. I desire to help small businesses better utilize technology by assisting in high level planning to make sure that new systems will benefit them both operationally and financially. I am careful to implement and support systems using industry best practices.