Why Everyone Should Choose Two Factor Authentication

Two Factor Authentication for IT security in Los Angeles

In the digital transformation era, many businesses are looking for ways to tighten security and protect their data.

The percentage of data requiring security will grow to nearly 90% by 2025. Companies are constantly spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on network security.

Yet, a straightforward way to increase password protection for your business is to use Two Factor Authentication” (or 2FA). This is one method of protecting your data that is becoming increasingly popular.

But what is 2FA? And what are the benefits of using it?

Let’s take a closer look.

How Does Two Factor Authentication Work?

There are three main types of two factor authentication: something you know (like a password), something you have (like a keycard), or something you are (like your fingerprint).

The most common type of 2FA is something you know plus something you have, such as a password plus a code sent to your phone. When you try to log in to an account that has two factor authentication enabled, you will be prompted to enter the code in addition to your username and password.

Why Outsourced Tech Support Companies Insist on Using Two Factor Authentication?

Two factor authentication provides an extra layer of security for businesses. It requires users to input something that knows. And the user also has to enter something that the user has.

This makes it more difficult for hackers to access accounts because they would need both the password and the code. In addition, two factor authentication helps prevent data breaches because even if a hacker could get ahold of customer information like passwords, they would still be unable to access the account without the second factor.

Most IT support companies recommend two factor authentication gives you peace of mind, knowing that even if someone steals your password, they won’t be able to log in unless they also have access to your physical device or phone.

If you use two factor authentication on all of your important accounts, it’s easier to keep track of them all you’ll never forget which one has which settings! Two factor authentication also helps prevent phishing attacks. The reason being is it requires more than just surrendering a password.

Implementing Two Factor Authentication

There are many ways to implement two factor authentication. The most popular methods are SMS, Google Authenticator, and Hardware Tokens.

SMS or Text Message

This method sends a one-time code to you via an SMS or text message. The code changes every 30 seconds, so it’s not as secure as other methods. However, if you’re using a mobile device that doesn’t have a data plan, this may be your only option for 2FA.

Google Authenticator

This app generates a six-digit code every 30 seconds which can be used in place of your password. It’s available for Android and iOS devices, but can be used on any platform with a QR reader app installed (like Barcode Scanner).

Hardware Tokens

These tokens usually come in the form of USB drives or key fobs, which generate one-time codes which change every 30 seconds. They’re more expensive than other options but offer greater protection against hackers.

Why Should Businesses Consider Using That Two Factor Authentication

There are a few reasons to consider when using two-factor authentication. Suppose you must protect critical data against malicious attacks and accidental data loss. In that case, two-factor authentication can help prevent unauthorized data access in compromise (e.g., if an employee leaves). Since it adds another layer of security.

For example, company emails should have two factor authentication. You will need to set up an email account with two-factor authentication enabled. Then you should enable 2FA on all accounts you want to be protected by this method of two factor authentication.

It is easy to set up but not very convenient if you do not have access to a computer at all times because you need access to a computer for this method of 2FA to work properly.

Cost of Implementing Two Factor Authentication

The cost of adding two factor authentication to your new security network will vary depending on how much you are currently spending for your existing security system. If you want to upgrade from a basic system, the cost will be higher than an upgrade to a more advanced system.

The average cost of adding two factor authentication to an existing network is $500 per user. This is based on the assumption that you already have the necessary hardware in place and only need to purchase software licenses for each user that needs 2FA support.

The initial license fee for 2FA can range from $10 to $100 per user, depending on the type of software you choose. After this initial fee, there may be annual maintenance fees or subscriptions that must be paid to keep using your new software features.

Another factor that affects the cost of implementing 2FA is whether or not your company already has an existing BYOD policy in place and whether or not you have a mobile device management (MDM) solution installed on your network. Many companies today allow employees to bring their own devices into work and access company data without restrictions.

If that is the case then those devices should have a two factor authentication process to increase reduce data leakage and securities breaches.

Your Business Security Needs Two Factor Authentication

Two factor authentication is an important security measure for businesses. It helps prevent data breaches and protects customer information. Two factor authentication provides an extra layer of security for businesses. If your company does not have two-factor authentication, now is the time to do it!

Be Structured Technology Group is an award-winning Los Angeles IT services firm that is annually honored for 24/7 customer IT support and satisfaction. We specialize in helping companies with a wide variety of IT services.

Contact us today to learn more.

About Chad Lauterbach

CEO at Be Structured Technology Group, Inc. a Los Angeles based provider of Managed IT Services for small business. I desire to help small businesses better utilize technology by assisting in high level planning to make sure that new systems will benefit them both operationally and financially. I am careful to implement and support systems using industry best practices.