Are You At Risk For A Cyber Attack?

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We live in a world that revolves around sophisticated technology. Computer systems, mobile smartphones, and tablets are just some of the primary tools that we use in our everyday lives. Technology is not something that remains stagnant. Every day, IT manufacturers are searching for ways to outdo themselves by creating state-of-the-art solutions that are more advanced than its previous model. Yes, technology is always evolving, but unfortunately, that means that cyber threats are also becoming more advanced as well. If you are a business owner, then this should be a huge concern for you.

Just because you have a firewall and some antivirus software installed, it doesn’t mean that your network is completely invincible. There are many security vulnerabilities that you should be concerned about. All it takes is for one person to fall victim to a phishing attack or a spam trap for hackers to gain access into your network. If this happens, then it may put you at risk of losing your most valuable information like business reports, financial information, and other important credentials.

When it comes to threat management, you can never be too prepared, however, ignorance can lead to a lot of downfalls. After all, it’s the fine details that you really need to be paying attention to. If you think that you need better cybersecurity protection, then these are the signs that you should be looking for:

Your Passwords Are Weak:

You might be surprised how many companies rely on passwords that end in “12345.” This is basically like handing a thief the keys to your car. If you really want to prevent a cyber attack, it would be in your best interest to use a password generator when changing passcodes. This will help you create stronger passwords that are harder for hackers to guess.

Operating Systems Are Performing Slowly:

If you’re starting to experience slower connections, then this might be a sign that a cyber attack is near. Do you find your internet dropping more frequently than usual? If that’s the case, then you might be a victim of a DoS attack. This overloads your system, creating sluggish connections and exploiting vulnerabilities in the process.

You Don’t Know Where The Vulnerabilities Are:

Penetration testing is a surefire way to identify vulnerabilities within your network. When it comes to computer security, this is one of the best methods to help you condition your network. Penetration testers will intentionally poke holes in your network to search for weaknesses. This will help give you a leg up so you can perfect your enterprise security program.

Your Employees Aren’t Continually Trained:

Simulated attacks are smart ways to keep your employees conditioned to fend off cyber attacks. Whether it’s a phishing assessment or any other type of data breaching test, utilizing this technology is a great way to expose your employees to real-life emergency scenarios. This will help prepare your workforce to apply threat remediation if they do come face to face with an actual cyber attack.

Your Network Isn’t Being Monitored:

Just because you have a firewall system and antivirus software installed, doesn’t mean it’s ok for you to take your eyes off of the network. Disaster can strike at any time from practically any angle. It’s important to work with a network security provider that delivers managed IT solutions. They’ll be able to spot threats from afar, which will help you be more prepared when disaster ensues.

You Don’t Have a Backup Plan For Your Backup Plan:

You may have a disaster recovery plan, but some cyber threats are severe enough to put this program to shame. Disaster recovery is a great source of support, but it’s not the only recovery strategy that you should rely on. Make sure you are backing up your data in an offsite data center that is monitored by professional network security providers. Additionally, it would be wise to establish a business continuity plan to supplement your disaster recovery technology in the case of an emergency.